Sunday, September 16, 2012

Garzón: the soul of Huila

"La Catedral" church (Google images)
Even I was born in Neiva City, during the most of my life I have resided in Garzón, a small and warm city located in the center of the Huila Department. In this city I made my primary and secondary studies, and even more important, it was there where I had the opportunity to meet my best friends and to know incredible people that have left an important mark on my life.

One of the most striking things about Garzón is the colonial architecture that characterizes its old houses. But even more remarkable, is the large number of religious buildings and monuments that Garzón has, considering the size of the municipality. Thus, in total there are five churches, two temples in the countryside, a monastery and two seminars. Therefore, Garzón has been granted the title of “Huila’s Diocesan capital” and the Garzoneños have been labeled as very devout people.

Nazareth church (Google images)

"El Rosario" church (Google images)
There are several important events that take place in Garzón. First, because of the religious character of the city, during Holy Week processions ​​, historical reenactments, Eucharist and Christian music concerts are made. Also during the last days of May the Expoferia takes place, an event that includes exhibits of business, craft, culinary, farming, ranching and culture. Finally, another important event, the Popular and Departmental Reign of Joy and folklore, is performed in the month of June, as part of the departmental festivals of San Juan and San Peter; Just this year we celebrated fifty years of existence of this event, which includes dances, parades, music, gastronomy and too much joy.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tatacoa: a desert color.

Tatacoa Desert (Google images)
In 2008, when I was studying in eighth grade, I went in a school trip to the Tatacoa Desert, the second largest arid region in Colombia, located in Villavieja municipality at North of Huila department.

The day of the excursion, we only could travel a small region of the extensive zone because we didn't have enough time for realizing a longer hike. I remember that it was a very sunny day with a temperature of 38 degree Celsius, whereby we had to protect from sunbeams with sunscreen, caps, sunglasses and long sleeve shirts. The hike lasted all day and during it a guide accompanied us and told us about the formation process of the desert, the fossil discoveries and the animals and vegetation present there.

Sunset in The Tatacoa Desert (Google images)
The most interesting of this experience was to find that the Tatacoa Desert has two zones of different color: a region named El Cuzco where the ground is reddish and a second part known as Los Hoyos of grayish soil. At the end of this trip we arrive to the paleontological Museum in Villavieja, place in which some Fossil remains found in the desert are exposed.

Furthermore, because of its atmospheric and geographic conditions, the Tatacoa has an astronomical Observatory, in which are realized permanent investigations and studies about the desert evolution and astronomical topics. Unfortunately we could not enter in the Observatory because the excursion day it was closed. 

San Agustín: a mystery made ​​of stone.

San Agustín Archeological Park  (Google Images
I have visited four times the San Agustin Archaeological Park, but I never get tired to do it. The first time that I was in this historical place I was still very young, actually I was not yet born because my mom was seven months pregnant, therefore I only keep memories of this experience by photos. The last three visits have been unique experiences because in each one of these I have been able to increase my knowledge and perspective about this millennial aboriginal culture, its history, its beliefs and its stone legate.

"Forest of statues"
San Agustín Archeological Park  (Google Images)
Among all my trips to San Agustín I could know different representative places of this archeological park like the Lavapatas fountain - a sacred site for religious ceremonies and ritual baths-, the Height of Lavapatas, the forest of statues, the archeological Museum and the mesitas -small hills made by man-.

The journey around the park is really an indescribable experience because of the funereal and sacred meaning of the place. For me the most amazing of San Agustin is the quality and perfection of the megalithic sculptures and their animal and human features (representations). Because of its important historical and artistic value The San Agustin's Archeological Park was declared by UNESCO Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 1995.

San Agustín Archeological Park  (Google Images)
Likewise, I have had the opportunity to visit the parks Alto de los ídolos and Alto de las Piedras; both are located in San José de Isnos Municipality, and they are part from the Archeological discovery of San Agustín. Another place near to San Agustin that I remember to have known was the Magdalena strait, a natural rocky zone where this great Colombian river reduces to only two meters wide. 

Neiva: a city full of joy

Overview of Neiva (Google Images)
With pride I can tell you that I was born in the Bambuco Capital of America: Neiva, a beautiful city located on the bank of Magdalena River. Although all my life I have lived in different places to Neiva in the Huila department, always I have kept up a special nearness with my natal city, because I usually visit this place to meet with my family for the vacations and holidays.

The best time to visit Neiva is for the San Peter festivals in June month, because the entire city gets dressed of happiness and folklore. In the different neighborhoods, schools, high schools, universities and companies of the city are realized diverse culture activities to evoke the meaning of these festivals. For me, the most showy and wonderfully is to observe how the different  generations join to the big celebration, specially  children, with their typical dresses, dancing and singing bambucos, rajaleñas, guabinas, torbellinos and the famous sanjuanero.
Girls on parade (Google images)
The dozens of folk parades that go across the streets, fill the city with color, dance and music, a show worthy of appreciate. Likewise, there are different possibilities of cultural enrichment in Neiva during this time, like the national meeting of artisans; the departmental, national and international exhibitions of folk dances; the departmental meeting of wind bands; the children's and youth Rajaleñas contest; the  Huila’s composers meeting; and more.

The Colonial Building (Google images)
At night, joy moves to the clubs and bars of Neiva, spectacular places to enjoy with friends and family, and to meet new people. Believe me, if Neiva is hot during the day, at night you cannot imagine.

My great Neiva is a welcoming land; it's the place that brings together people from all parts of the department, from Colombia and from the world, around a single manifestation of culture and tradition. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My beautiful land

Sanjuanero Huilense (Google Images)
Folk dance group (Google Images)
Rajaleñas Group (Google Images)
Since I was a child I have had the opportunity to know and travel around the incredible Huila Department.  Thanks to this, I have been able discovering and explore the wonders that this land hides. Both its beautiful natural landscapes and its warm, hospitable and joyful people are the things I love most about my department. 
As a native of this land, I can assure you that Huila is a land where culture and folklore are present in each manifestation of its people and where the different traditions and customs have their major apogee in the San Peter and San Juan festivals that are celebrated in June of each year.

I invite you to know and enjoying the different tourist options that Huila can offer you: The San Agustin's Archeological Park, the Tatacoa desert, the thermal waters in Rivera, the Betania dam, the aquatic and sporting center of Playa Juncal in Palermo, and many other places.

My land waits for you with the open doors, so "péguese la rodadita al Huila" – “come and know the Huila”.